Monday, July 1, 2013

Update On Life

It's been awhile since I've blogged, so I figured it was about time to give an update on life.

It's been a long, tough road for my family this year. We learned that one of my (adopted) sisters has an attachment disorder. I won't go into too much detail, but it got bad. She was placed in a temporary home, while we searched for a new family. The perfect family. As of a few weeks ago, she lives in North Carolina with her new family, who knows more about her disorder and can hopefully help her heal - and ultimately, come to know Christ as her Father. As painful as it is for me, it's been more difficult for my mom and sisters - they were the ones home with her the most. It's heartbreaking, really. Legally, she is no longer my sister... and yet, in my heart, she is and always will be. When people ask how many siblings I have, what do I say? My natural response is, 8. But, it's really 7. I can't imagine how my parents feel - it's their daughter. They love her, I know.  I'm sure it will take a long time for all of us to heal from the pain we've endured, but really I don't regret any of it. I've learned more than I ever could have without her. I praise God for letting us be a part of her life's journey. :)

The last couple months, I've been really trying to focus on growing Spiritually. I wish I was wiser and more mature. I'm having to learn how to manage my time better. I am trying to not neglect God, myself, or my responsibilities in the process of serving others.  I tend to take, 'serving others', to the extreme, where I am just a people-pleaser.  
I started going to a small Bible study with a few friends and one of their moms, as the leader. It's been great! It's so nice to dig into the Word and dissect it, and not just read alone. Sometimes I feel like a luke-warm Christian. How disgusting is that? I need to be better. I am going to do better. !

I quit babysitting in May and got a new job working in the Amazon warehouse. I start in two days! I'm really excited. To be honest, this will be my first full time job that doesn't have to do with kids. I miss the kids a lot, but I feel like my life is moving forward now. In August I'll start school at JCTC - also another step forward! I've talked about being a cosmetologist for probably 10+ years, but I'm finally doing it! It'll be really weird being tied down, honestly. I've always had the lifestyle that let me travel on mission trips, have time with my friends, etc. But now, I'm stuck here. I guess work and school will be my mission field. :)


  1. that is heart breaking. Where in NC? That is where we are.

    Sounds like you are chasing all God has for you...never let go of those dreams!

    1. I'm not sure where, actually. The family is very nice and seem to have a lot of knowledge about her disorder, so I have hope :)

  2. She IS and WILL ALWAYS BE your sister. Family is not defined by blood or by legal documents. I have nine siblings. I do not share DNA with any of them, but they are all my brothers and sisters.

    If you want the technical definitions, I have one adopted half-sister, one foster sister, two former foster sisters who went back to their biological mother, two former foster sisters that aged out of the system, and three step-siblings. But I would never introduce any of them as less than my brothers and sisters.

    I love you and your family dearly, and I understand the heartbreak that comes when a sibling moves away from your home and family.
