Monday, September 19, 2011


Toady has probably been the best day that I've been here, so far (Though, not being sick plays a huge factor in this). It started out slowly, but after siesta I decided to follow the kids to school and video them there. Kaitie and Micah apparently work in the school (I met them last week. They're from the states and are here volunteering, as well. They got married a couple months ago and are spending several months in China teaching/volunteering -- how cool is that?) All the kids split up into their classes and I noticed that one group (the younger kids) were leaving... They said they were going out to play in the sun... I thought to myself, "What sun?", it's so dull around here... I went out anyway. I figured it'd be more fun to go to the playground and play/video them, than sit around listening to Chinese lectures. To my (amazing) surprise there WAS SUN!!! The sky was actually blue! Omgsh, you have no idea how unusual that is here! Micah said it's only the 2nd blue sky he's seen in the last 8 weeks. It felt great outside! (plus it wasn't raining!) They said they don't usually take the kids outside just to play, but when they saw there was sun, they decided they needed to be out in it, while it lasted.
After playing outside with the little kids for a couple hours, I went back to the school just in time to video Micah teach an English class. Kinda gave me an interest in teaching ESL at some point...

Dinner was good tonight. Aw was lunch, this afternoon. Rice and veggies :) I've had this for a few days now... hope they keep it up! Though, I've sorta acquired a taste for their other food, too, now lol, but either way I hope it stays this way. ;-)

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