Saturday, September 24, 2011

"Street food"

I'm really loving it here. And I LOVE the kids! They're so adorable! Skyped back home with Cheng Cheng here with me today... he was so quiet! I couldn't believe it. He literally sat there in silence and wouldn't even smile...SO not like him! And of course the second I turned skype off he's laughing and asking me all sorts of stuff!
This afternoon, I got a call from my Donna's daughter to see if I wanted to go to the store and out to lunch with her and her siblings.... like I'd turn that down -- I love wandering the streets of China! When I asked where we were going for lunch all she said was, "Oh, we're just gonna get some street food"......."Street food"? I was kinda suspicious of that term, esp after Donna asked how well my stomach holds up on "gross stuff"...I figured it was worth going and trying it, anyway. What's the worse it'll do, make me sick...again? :P
We took a taxi to the middle of nowhere, it seemed, and came across a TON of street vendors. The streets were completely packed... guess that's what they meant by "street food". I've always heard you shouldn't eat anything unless you know how it's prepared (like, if its sanitary...the street doesn't fit that category), or any of the dairy products, etc (that "rule" was broken my first day). Though, It was quite fascinating to watch all the vendors cook in the middle of nowhere. The food I chose ended up being really good, but don't ask what I ate, cause I have no idea. lol.

After lunch we went to Dennis, the store, to get some stuff for dinner. Going through stores in China is always interesting... we had to get chicken and omgsh, it's gross here! They always have things just sitting out in the middle of everything, raw and bleh, just gross. Can't possibly be sanitary...
As always, since it's Saturday night, we had dinner and played games at Donna's house. The food was good and it was great fellowship.... but I could barely stay awake!
I'm so completely exhausted! I keep getting up between 4:30 and 6am....for NO REASON! It's ridiculous! Finally, the game night thing was over and I guarantee I was the first out the door, headed home! lol. When I got to my building I think I stood outside for at least 5mins just staring up the steps... way too many steps, esp when you're tired!...I got curious and decided to count the steps this morning and if I remember correctly, there are 99... and that's only one way! I went up and down those steps eight times today... yes, I  just had to do the math -- 792 steps! Ah! Sooo many steps! And that doesn't even count the bazillion blocks I have to walk to get anywhere around here! My shins ache... guess I'm getting in shape, at least ;-)

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