Friday, July 8, 2011

All things are possible through Christ...

As mentioned in my last post, I'm planning to go to China! :)  It looks like I'll be traveling with my parents next month (hoping for August 13th!), staying with them for two weeks, as they get my new sisters, and then before they come home, they'll (hopefully) drop me off in the province that I plan to stay in for 2-6 weeks! The organization that I'll be volunteering with is called Eagle's Wings. They have several house's in which they try to teach the kids what it's like to be in a home and have a family. There's one house in particular that it sounds like I'll be staying in. It's house #6. There are 12 kids between the ages of 3 and 8, I think, that all have Spina bifida or Cerebral palsy. Basically, my "job" will be to video and photograph the children, post them to Eagles' Wings website (and I'm guessing different adoption agency sites, too), in order to try to get the kids adopted! And I might teach them English, too...but mostly just play and love on the kids!! China, kids and much better can it get?!! ♥ I love them all!!
I'm still in need of about $1,500 in order to go...but, all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me, right? :)